Contemplating Glaciers: A Dialogue


A master's thesis project hosted by the Tett Gallery in Kingston, ON. 

Interview with Queens Journal

Interview with Queens Campus Radio CFRC 101.9FM

Website: www.contemplatingglaciersexhibit.ca

Instagram: @contemplatingglaciers

United Nations Website: www.unglacieryear.ca/artists 

YouTube: @contemplatingglaciersexhbit

Spring Sentiments: A Reflection of Art in Isolation


A BFA thesis project hosted by the John M. Parrott Art Gallery.

Click here for exhibition

Curatorial Essay / In the News: Watershed Magazine / Photos

OCAD University Booth, Art Toronto International Art Show


assistant curator

OCAD University participated as a cultural partner at Art Toronto at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, exhibiting works by 11 OCADU graduates. I had the pleasure of curating the artwork and display, being a docent, facilitating sales of artworks, working with incredible artists along with OCADU professor Natalie Waldburger on this special project.

Click here for exhibition

Press Release


Volunteer Exhibition Installations

Simon Schniederman: 

Preoccupied with my Father


This exhibit portrayed the experience of a Toronto man growing up with parents who struggled through the Jewish diaspora during WWII. 


Sam Sakr: Housing Project


Assisted the acting curator of the John M. Parrott Art Gallery with the installation of Wellington, ON local artist Sam Sakr's exhibition in gallery 2. 

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